
Reading Donnel Stern’s Unformulated Experience (2003) over the weekend I found myself bumping up against a familiar thought. There are few people able to write about those thinkers usually categorised as ‘post-structuralist’, and very few of them are...

Weather Report

I listen to David Lynch’s weather report most nights. I remember watching his films when I was young and feeling sometimes so disturbed that I couldn’t sleep. These days his reports help me sleep. Whatever happened?

Offensive. Nowhere.

Reading through accounts of parliamentary exchanges over the last two years, and how these have been reported in the press (a grim task) I was struck by how often the word ‘offensive’ has been used to qualify words, phrases, statements, policies, the...

A Line of Responsibility

| Orphée, Cocteau, 1944 | Cocteau, like Picasso, took the line seriously. His mark, undeniably his, a committed gesture: a signature. I’m not one for football, probably because of everything that surrounds it, but catching up on what happened when some England...