by Tom Tomaszewski | Nov 17, 2022 | Interiors
Life doesn’t happen easily. Maybe it seems sensible not to complicate it even further. Lead a simple life, you might think. It’s best. But simplicity does not arrive like a birthday. Often, we cut ourselves off from complications. We might try to keep things simple by...
by Tom Tomaszewski | Nov 16, 2022 | Interiors
Something I am used to experiencing as I begin to work with a person is a a shift from something that feels regimented, stiff, or tight; somehow restrictive. There are many ways I could describe what this might suggest is happening. The whole process of getting to...
by Tom Tomaszewski | Oct 27, 2022 | Interiors
Trauma, like a flood, finds its way into any kind of a crack. If something terrible affects a couple, or any group of people, whatever in the past might have been a potential source of conflict will most likely lead to explosive differences. This is why relationships...
by Tom Tomaszewski | Oct 24, 2022 | Interiors
The story they tell you about themself will be the alibi for their leaving. I’ve never thought highly of dating as a way of beginning a long-term relationship. Get to know someone by accident or over a long while and the thing might last. But ‘dates’...
by Tom Tomaszewski | Oct 5, 2022 | Interiors
To begin with be open and intolerant.
by Tom Tomaszewski | Sep 26, 2022 | Interiors
I went to see Moonage Daydream yesterday. I won’t try and describe what happened then. As usual, whenever something involving Bowie happens I find myself getting into every corner of myself, so much so that it’s clearer than ever how weird, cowed and...